[Critical] From: VBDA@CLIENT "CONFIGURATION:" Time: 21.09.2010 09:20:32
Not a valid mount point => aborting
However following the link will not help at all. In file debug.log no usefull informatino is stored, furthermore the file autodr.log is not created, as the backup was aborted. In general a reboot might help, however might no be needed. In my case I analysed the server in more detail and found in <omnihome>\tmp\config
a previous created backup of CONFIGURATION (which was aborted). As solution I deleted all stuff in <omnihome>\tmp\config
and backup of the systemstate of the Windows server was working as expected again.
Hi wo ist der like Button? 🙂 Viele Grüße aus Berlin Matthias
Guter Atikel, vielen Dank für die ausführlichen Informationen.
Tag zusammen, auf diesem weg wünsche ich einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.