The error Initialization of medium failed
is shown when the Filelibrary is full or almost full (one or more mountpoints / folders in filelibrary). If you did not install the GR Patches from July 2010, you may also see a lot of media with blue question mark withhin the mountpoint from your filelibrary. In addition it has been seen that the file cart.txt is quite large when you would do an export of MMDB (omnidbutil -writedb -mmdb Verzeichnis
As a first starting mount you may want to increase diskspace for the mountpoint or you can migrate media from the filelibrary to another media off the filelibrary to get free diskspace. As a second step you may want to try to format the media with the blue question mark.
If you still encounter problems try following procedure:
omnidownload -library Libraryname -file Filename
omniupload -modify_library Library -file Filename
In any case you should install the lateste patches (current: GR Patches from July 2010) as the error is already resolved with these patches.
If you still encounter problems I recommend to completly empty the file library (migrate all media from involved file library to another media off the filelibrary) and to remove not needed (or wrong) entries from cart.txt. What has to be deleted in cart.txt is not explained here, as this way is not supported. For some bucks I take over this work in a remote session.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks a lot for your post … it is exactly what is happening on my environment. But I wonder which version of Data Protector applies…
Only DataProtector 6.11?
(My Cell is based on DataProtector 6.10)
I can see your recommendation to install GR-Patches July 2010. But I don’t see any GR-Patches for DP6.10.
Hi Juan,
as far as I know this happens in DP 6.11 environments, however as the same code base is used the problem might also be the case for DP 6.10. I just checked the HP site for the patches for your version, I can see theses GR Patches (released 2010/06/12). You may consider to upgrade to current version if you have a valid support contract. This allows you to use new features which are not implemented in version 6.10.
Best regards
Super Beitrag, fehlen lediglich ein paar Bilder! 😉