During a push installation of the Data Protector Client to a Windows 2008 box, you may receive following error. In the internet or in the documentation of Data Protector you’ll find the needed steps to address this error message. To be complete… it is also posted here.
Cannot connect to the SCM (Service Control Manager) on client xxx.yyy - Access is denied.
To show the configured user execute the list command.
omniinetpasswd -list
No users are configured yet.
To create a new user use the add command and provide the passwort.
omniinetpasswd -add CCC\s-backup
Please enter password:**************
Please retype password:**************
If you redo the list command, the user is shown.
omniinetpasswd -list
Now the user must be added as a user for the installation server.
omniinetpasswd -inst_srv_user CCC\s-backup
At the end you control the settings with the list command.
omniinetpasswd -list
* s-backup@CCC
(*) Installation Server is using this user's credentials during push installation.
Syntax of the command:
omniinetpasswd -?
Usage synopsis:
omniinetpasswd -version | -help
omniinetpasswd -list
omniinetpasswd -add {UserName@Domain | Domain\UserName | UserName} [Password]
omniinetpasswd -delete {UserName@Domain | Domain\UserName | UserName}
omniinetpasswd -modify {UserName@Domain | Domain\UserName | UserName}
omniinetpasswd -[no_]inst_srv_user {UserName@Domain | Domain\UserName}
omniinetpasswd -clean
ist es möglich auch mehr User dort zu hinterlegen ? Wenn ja werden die Login Informationen dann nach und nach bei einer Push Installation abgearbeitet ?
mkg Sebastian
Hallo Seb,
ja, mehrere User können hinterlegt werden; üblicherweise wenn man mehrere Domänen hat. Bei der Push Installation wird dennoch ein User für die Anmeldung benötigt.
Absolut genial! Werde mir die Seite merken!
10^3 Dank!
cheers, Graham
Hi everybody,
sorry I do not understand the concept behind that feature. What I understand is:
i) I need an account with local admin rights on the target Windows machine I want to push the HP DP DA to
ii) I have to add that account to the list with omniinetpasswd
iii) I have to mark that entry with “used by Installation Server”
What I do not understand is, that afterwards while pushing the installation of a HP DP DA to a Windows Server with the HP DP Manager I have to authenticate anyway with the referenced account in omniinetpasswd.
Do I miss something?
Thank you.
Kind regards,