When you need to backup NSS volumes on a Linux OES server with Data Protector 6.2 it might be the case that the NSS volumes are not listed within GUI and you might receive the following error: 12:1304 The mountpoint/file-system cannot be backed up
. In this case you need to modify the file /opt/omni/lbin/.util
. Search for i.e. -t ext3
or -t reiserfs
, you will find it only once. Now you can insert -t nssvol
. In this way the disk agent can discover the NSS volumes during the df process and the volumes are listed as separated mountpoints in the GUI. By the way this trick will also work for other filesystems on Linux; you only need to modify .util
with the corresponding filesystem. And at the end as Novell consultant from old school I’d like to say: Long lives NSS!
I see in the .util file, the -t vmfs is there .. i can see it in the DataProtector, but when i check the directory, gives this error. Did you saw this behaviour and had some idea of how i can solve this ? Thank you.
Hi Joao,
Can you send me a screenshot?
Best regards
Thank you Daniel for the fast response. I didn’t find any contact on the site, but i put the screenshot on a website. You can see it at http://web.mrg.pt/DPERROR.png
Hallo Daniel,
wir verwenden seit geraumer Zeit NSS-Volumes unter OES2 SP3 / DSfW auf ESX-Servern. Das Sichern dieser Datenspeicher dauert im Vergleich zu konventionellen FSe (ext3/reiserfs) sehr lange. Leider konnte uns noch niemand so richtig helfen.
Hast du vielleicht eine Idee, waran das liegen könnte ?
Wir haben schon diverse Modifikationen am TSA vorgenommen, aber die bringen keine Änderung zum Positiven.
Gruß Jens
Hi, I’ve seen the screenshot. Can you please generate some debugs and send to me? daniel-braun(at)data-protector.org.
Best regards
Hallo Jens,
ich fürchte da kann ich diesmal keinen klugen Rat geben, NSS Volumes habe ich nicht so oft… Habt ihr schon einen Case bei HP geöffnet?