With Data Protector 8.XX the process to create disaster recovery images has been changed. Since the new version, the backup of the internal database is separated from the filesystem backup of the cell server. Hence, the “makeiso.cmd” (see https://www.data-protector.org/wordpress/2011/03/recover-cell-server-with-enhanced-automated-disaster-recovery/) is no longer working. With the separation it is necessary to provide 2 session id’s for the command omniiso
; a session id from the filesystem backup and a session id from the IDB backup. As a preparation for a disaster and to automate the creation of the recovery image new batch files were created. Please see the guide below and how to implement the new scripts. The guide is valid for Data Protector version 8.10 and 8.11 only and was tested with Windows 2012 R2. For Data Protector version 8.0X the scripts will not work, as the option -anyobj
is not available for the omniiso command. However, with some modifications it will be possible to run the scripts as scheduled task.
[wpdm_file id=23]
Requirements and implementation:
- On cell server the correct version of the WAIK/ADK is installed. When Windows 2012 R2 is used, the version “ADK for Windows 8.1” is required.
- The batch files (see download link) are copied into the Data Protector “bin” Folder (i.e:
D:\Program Files\Omniback\bin
). - The backup of the filesystems for the cell server is done using the Options “Copy Recovery Set to disk” (Filesystem Options – Advanced – Tab Other) and “Detect NTFS hardlinks”, “Backup share Information for directories” and “Use Shadow Copy” (Filesystem Options – Advanced – Tab WinFS Options).
- The backup of the filesystems for the cell server is done using a separate backup specification (no other client) and as Post-exec script the batch file
(to be executed on cell server) will be inserted (Backup Specification Options – General – Post-exec). - The backup of the internal database from the cell server is created with no schedule (will be started by the filesystem backup) and as Post-exec script the batch file
(to be executed on cell server) will be inserted (Backup Specification Options – General – Post-exec). - In file “EADR_CS_FSBackup_Post.cmd” the following changes must be made: variables OMNIHOME, OMNIDATA and IDBBACKUP (name of the IDB backup specification) must be modified, depending on existing environment.
- In file “EADR_CS_IDBBackup_Post.cmd” at least the following changes must be made: variables OMNIHOME, OMNIDATA, CELLSERVER, WAIKPATH and NETWORKSHARE must be modified, depending on existing environment.
- The batch files are already prepared with variables, so see the values as example.
Example Session Messages filesystem backup:
[Normal] From: BSM@server.domain "CS_Backup_FS" Time: 04.04.2014 11:01:57 Starting to execute "EADR_CS_FSBackup_Post.cmd"... Starting EADR preparation and IDB backup Script Environment: host='SERVER' user='DOMAIN\user' script='D:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin\EADR_CS_FSBackup_Post.cmd' path='D:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin\' Backup successfully started. Session Key: R-2014/04/04-23 [Normal] From: BSM@server.domain "CS_Backup_FS" Time: 04.04.2014 11:01:57 The exec script "EADR_CS_FSBackup_Post.cmd" has completed.
Example Session Messages IDB backup:
[Normal] From: BSM@server.domain "CS_Backup_IDB" Time: 04.04.2014 12:09:50 Starting to execute "EADR_CS_IDBBackup_Post.cmd"... Starting the EADR preparation process Script Environment: host='SERVER' user='DOMAIN\user' script='D:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin\EADR_CS_IDBBackup_Post.cmd' path='D:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin\' Creating the ISO image ... [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:09:55 Creating the Disaster Recovery ISO image file. This may take a few minutes... [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:09:55 Initializing MiniOS directory structure. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:09:55 Mounting MiniOS image. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Inserting Recovery Info file into the MiniOS image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Inserting hardware information file into the MiniOS image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Inserting network information file into the MiniOS image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Inserting ASR BCD file into the MiniOS image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Copying MiniOS system files to the image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Copying DRM binaries to the image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Copying DRM configuration directory to the image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Copying backup application depot directory to the image file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Storing phase 0 log file into the Recovery Set archive. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Configuring vendor specific system images. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Creating the MiniOS image startup file. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:00 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:10:17 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:04 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:09 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:15 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:20 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:25 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:32 Installing additional MiniOS packages. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:39 Cleaning up MiniOS image, preparing it for usage. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:39 Injecting driver files into the MiniOS image. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:56 Initializing MiniOS scratch space. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:11:57 Dismounting/Committing MiniOS image. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:12:18 Writing CD-ROM ISO image to the target location. [Normal] From: omniiso@server.domain "omniiso" Time: 04.04.2014 12:12:18 Successfully created the Disaster Recovery ISO image. Saving information about used media ... Copying generated ISO file and information about used media to network share ... 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. Finished [Normal] From: BSM@server.domain "CS_Backup_IDB" Time: 04.04.2014 12:12:26 The exec script "EADR_CS_IDBBackup_Post.cmd" has completed.
Hi Daniel,
ich habe da ein Problem beim Restore…
Die Scripts habe ich von Dir übernommen und die Backups (sowohl FS als auch IDB) laufen wunderbar durch und auch das ISO wird erstellt und kopiert.
Beim Restore läuft der Vorgang allerdings garnicht erste an:
Sobald die Offline Session gestartet wird, wird diese auch gleich mit der Meldung “Session failed” abgeschlossen.
In den Logs finde ich leider keinerlei aussagefähige Informationen, die auf ein Problem hindeuten könnten.
Evtl. liegt es an einer der Komponenten in unserer Konstellation:
– CellManager ist eine VM mit Server 2008 (KEIN R2)
– Sicherungsziel für FS und IDB ist eine FileLibrary auf einem anderen Server
– FS- und IDB-Sicherung werden anschließend auf Tape kopiert
– Es ist KEIN Laufwerk (weder Tape, noch FileLibrary) direkt am CellManager “angeschlossen”
Für einen Schubser in die richtige Richtung wäre ich sehr dankbar!
Hallo Simon,
ich würde vermuten, es liegt an der Filelibrary und dem anschliessenden Kopieren auf Band. Es müsste so sein, dass DP hier das Band haben möchte und nicht auf die Filelibrary zurückgreift. Prinzipiell funktioniert das mit einer Filelibrary. Vielleicht kannst Du aber auch mal eine StoreOnce VSA dafür aufsetzen und nutzen (hat ja 60 Tage Instant-On Lizenz). Dann wäre noch ein Debug interessant (kannst Du vor dem Restore aktivieren) und auch das Session Log (kannst Du auf USB oder Netzwerk speichern).
Hallo Daniel,
ich habe parallel einen Case bei HP aufgemacht.
Wenn ich die ISO über die GUI erstelle, dann läuft der Restore an, bricht aber ab (aborted), nachdem er Laufwerk F: (konnte ich noch nicht auf Vollständigkeit überprüfen) wiederhergestellt hat und mit Laufwerk C: anfangen möchte.
Wie kann ich Dir die Logs zur Verfügung stellen?
Und nebenbei: Was ist ein StoreOnce VSA? 😀
Vielen Dank schonmal für Deine Hilfe!
Hi Simon,
I’ve got meanwhile the information that with version 9.02 the omniiso via CLI is not working as expected. So may be you wait for the case results first.
StoreOnce is HP’s deduplication solution, it is available as appliance and virtual machine (VSA). Expect a better storage efficency when using StoreOnce as you primary backup target. If you like to try, go to http://www.hp.com/go/storeonce and download a 60 day instant-on trial version of the VSA.
Best regards
Pingback: Prepare and execute EADR - Cell Server on Windows 2012 R2 and Data Protector 9.06
I am so impressed with how useful this script is! I can see how it’s going to help with our Disaster Recovery plan.
I have tried to implement the script into our Data Protector environment and hit one little snag. The ISO that is automatically created doesn’t seem to work correctly. When written to a USB/CD media it boots into the PE environment but once the lite-Data Protector client loads, the session instantly fails.
If I create the ISO via the GUI using the same session ID’s this media works fine.
I have compared the SRD files in both media sets and the ISO which is generated by script doesn’t seem to include the FS restore where as the manually created version does.
Has anybody else experienced this issue? I am running the below line to generate the ISO …
%OMNIISOCOMMAND% -session %FS_SESSIONID% %IDB_SESSIONID% -anyobj -cd -out “%ISOPATH%%CELLSERVER%.iso” -srd “%SRDFILE%” -rset “%P1SFILE%” “%P1SIMAGE%” -autoinject -waik “%WAIKPATH%”
All Variables are set correctly and the command runs without error, it just seems to lack certain information in the produced SRD which stops the EADR media from starting its restore session.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks
Jamie Bennett