Unter Data Protector 6.20 kann es bei Verwendung des Media Agent auf Windows 2008 zu einer langsamen Backup Performance kommen. Klar denkt sich jetzt jeder, das war seit der Einführung von DP 6.20 bekannt und wurde mit dem Patch DPWIN_00516 behoben. Für alle die dennoch Probleme mit der Performance haben empfehle ich die Patch Beschreibung von DPWIN_00516 noch einmal zu lesen; es gibt dafür eine neue omnirc Variable – OB2IPCNOSENDRECVLOOP=1. Bei Durchführung von Backups übers Netzwerk sollte zusätzlich noch die Variable OB2SHMIPC=0 gesetzt sein und damit die Performance Probleme behoben sein.
Hi Hasan,
in this case you have to put the variables on Cell Server / Media Agent. But, of course omnirc should also be configured for clients. On W2K8 the default location for omnirc is in c:\programdata\omniback.
Best regards
Thank you Daniel,
All my servers are connected to SAN and we configured the environemnt for LAN Free Backup (Over SAN).
So we have Media Agent on all the clients. One of the servers have performance issue. If I put multiple objects and increase backup concurrency in my backup specification it goes well. (I put concurrency to 10 and defined 10 objects as well. they are all write to one LTO4 Drive). On server side I can see files are reading from my Hard Disk at 130 MB/s. However If I decreased the objects or concurrency backup would take more time. As an example with one object, my servers shows DP read data from Disk at 20 MB/S!! (Data stores on EVA6400). as much as increasing objects and concurrency, reading of data from disk gets better and backup process faster.
Do you have any Idea?
Hi Hasan,
sorry for the late answer… I would recommend to test the performance of this specific server using a Nulldevice and a single stream. You can also utilize HPCreateData and HPReadData to test the speed of your disk on the specific server.
Best regards