Bei der Installation der aktuellen Patches für Data Protector 6.21 kommt es zu einer Fehlermeldung WARNING: Before installing this patch, you must install the DPWINBDL_00621 patch. Das enthaltene install.bat geht fälschlicherweise davon aus das DP in c:\program files\omniback installiert ist.
Update 01.06.2012:
A Non-Critical Patch Warning has been issued for DPWIN_00571:
DPWIN_00571 – windows xp OV DP6.20 Windows – Media Agent patch
The following information has been added to the patch documentation for DPWIN_00571:
Warn: 12/05/25 – This Non-Critical Warning has been issued by HP.
– DPWIN_00571 may fail to install when Data Protector v6.2 is installed in a non-default location that does not contain a space character in its path. The installation will fail with the following message even if patch DPWINBDL_00621 is installed: „WARNING: Before installing this patch, you must install the DPWINBDL_00621 patch.“
– Additional details on this behavior may be found in Change Request QCCR2A3822.
– To work around this behavior the following steps should be taken:
1. Extract DPWIN_00571.exe to a temporary folder (using 7-zip/WinRAR or similar tool)
2. From the extracted files, modify lines 4 through 8 of the Install.bat script as follows:
FOR /F „tokens=1,2“ %%i in (%temp%\DP_Path.txt) do (
SET DP_PATH=%%i %%j
if exist „%DP_PATH%\b621_patch“ (
set /p DP_PATH=< "%temp%\DP_Path.txt
if exist "%DP_PATH%\*b621_patch" (
3. Execute Install.bat
- This behavior will be corrected in superseding patch DPWIN_00578 which is expected to be available by the end of June 2012.
Hallo Daniel,
irgendetwas stimmt in dieser Batch-Datei noch nicht…
Erstens enthält nach der Änderung die Variable DP_PATH meiner Meinung nach einen Pfad, der mit einem Backslash endet. Damit würde die „if exist“-Zeile z.B. auf „C:\OmniBack\\b621_patch“ prüfen.
Aber zweitens kann ich mich auf den Kopf stellen, das blöde Ding schickt mich IMMER in den ELSE-Zweig mit der Warnung – sogar dann, wenn ich den kompletten Pfad-/Dateinamen für b621_patch als Literal dort hinschreibe!
In meiner Verzweifelung habe ich testweise für einen Patch das ganze if-else-Geraffel auskommentiert und nur noch die „i386\csetup.exe“..-Zeile stehen lassen. Das ist zwar nicht im Sinne des Erfinders, aber man muss ja weiter kommen.
Hi FraDom,
habe es 1:1 übernommen ohne genau zu prüfen, werde das nächste Woche nochmal checken.
Hello daniel,
A quick note…
The solution is basically correct, but there is one more thing to check:
The folder where DP is installed must be checked and one should see if the file is named indeed b621_patch, because in most cases where there is no blank space in the path the file will be created during the 6.21 installation as “ b621_patch” (leading blank space) and this will cause the problem to persist even after editing the install.bat.
Hi, Daniel. Thank you for your site, it is very helpful. Could you say, why 6.21 can damage IDB and VEPA integration? After all these latest patches omnidbcheck shows about 600 000 erors in Core and 32 in second part. Also all my VEPA specifiactions goes uneditable and i can’t Check Configuration of any spec.
Thx, it’s really the leading blank space!!!
Hi AIgor,
unfortunately I cannot say why this happens to your IDB. In any way as this is a serious problem, please open ASAP a case.
Best regards