Sorry, this article is not available in your language, as the promoted webinar is available in German only.
Advisory c03689762
With document ID c03689762 on 2013/03/08 an advisory for HP Data Protector 6.20 (6.21) and 7.0 (7.01) was released, describing a problem when running an incremental backup of a virtual machine using the virtuel environment integration and with change block tracking activated after a previous incremental backup failed.
As a workaround a new full backup is recommended until a fix becomes available.
The complete advisory can be read here:
Data Protector Cases and HP Support – reviewed
In November 2011 I wrote an article regarding HP support for software –
Time goes by, software develops and (this seems to be the nature of software) bugs are found in the software. In this case you just call HP for support. But to be prepared, HP has created the so called “Software Customer Support Handbook”. The document was reviewed recently and can be downloaded from here: The handbook allows you to document your SAID numbers, gives you a brief description of the SSP (Software Support Online) portal and how to log a case depending on your priority and your selected level of support. For any questions, please comment…
Data Protector Webinar – Deduplication
Sorry, this article is not available in your language, as the promoted webinar is available in German only.
Monitoring and Reporting for Data Protector
Monitoring and Reporting in Data Protector is poorly implemented and does not fulfill the expectations from users of Data Protector for a modern design and rich functions. Because of that many users develop tools on their own to customize the included reports. Other admins use tools like HP Data Protector Reporter (special version of HP Storage Essentials) or integrate DP in exisiting management tools like HP OVO or Nagios or simple stay with included implementation.
But what if a solution would be available? What if such a solution would fulfill the requirements and expectations of Data Protector Admins and includes dashboards for the management level? Would the community like this software and what are you willing to invest to get the software (what should this solution cost)? I’d like to get some answers for these questions from you, the community.
So, I kindly ask all the reader of my blog to enter the survey and to answer the questions in the survey. If you like, please add comments and enhancement requests for a modern Monitoring and Reporting. Below you will find some screenshots from a new upcoming solution.
Link to survey:
Preview of the solution (the PDF includes the 5 screenshots)>
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