For a Disaster Recovery of you cell server it is recommended to save information about your libraries and devices. In article Recover Cell Server I already informed about obrindex.dat. I wrote a small tool to save the configuration of your libraries and devices to text files. In addition a batch is generated which allows the import of the libraries and devices into Data Protector. The files are generated in a subfolder of the log folder of Data Protector. UPDATE: Version 1.02 fixes a problem with too short or too long device names, it now can run on Windows 2003, Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2. The Perl script will be distributed as source, to run the script a 32Bit Perl (i.e. ActiveState Perl) is required (as the Data Protector Perl modules are written in 32Bit); see the download link for the Perl version below.
UPDATE: An additional batch will be created, which alows to modify existing libaries and devices.
The script was tested with this version of Perl (Windows 2003/Windows 2008):
If you have questions or comments, please let me know.
The link:
[wpdm_file id=10]
Usage: perl –save=yes